RSS is done!

Posted on Thursday 10th of October, 2024

Just a short post!

I added RSS (technically an Atom feed) to my website! You can now subscribe to my blog posts with the link on my blog index or click here to add me to your RSS reader.


I used this very colorful library from "Starbeam Rainbow Labs": atom.gen.php. It's quite easy to use, and less buggy than others that I found.

I had to pull in Carbon (great library) to deal with dates better too (I was storing them in a quite silly way before.)

Pretty simple, don't you think?


use Michelf\MarkdownExtra;
require_once "remote/atom.gen.php"; #
global $posts;
$host = ""; // So this doesn't break when im working on localhost

$feed = new atomfeed();
$feed->title = "j0's blog";
$feed->id_uri = $host . "/blog";
$feed->feed_uri = $host . "/feed";
$feed->logo_uri = $host . "/static/j0site-pfp.png";
$feed->addauthor("Jo Null", "", "", "author");

foreach ($posts as $slug => $post) {
    $parser = new MarkdownExtra();
    $content = $parser->transform(
        file_get_contents("./posts/" . $slug . ".md")

        $host . "/blog/" . $slug,
        "Jo Null",

header("content-type: application/atom+xml");
echo $feed->render();